Benton Dene Primary School

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Hailsham Ave, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE12 8FD

0191 466 1818


Benton Dene Primary School

Working together to meet individual needs

Staff List 2024-2025



Headteacher - Ashleigh Lawrence (Data & Assessment, Curriculum, CPD, Timetables & Cover, Educational Visits, SDP and subject action plans, Appraisal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour and lunchtime provision,  Monitoring and subject scrutiny)

Deputy Headteacher and Year 2 groups Teacher - Andrew McMurchie (Curriculum, English, RWI and phonics co-ordinator, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour and well-being, Appraisal, Monitoring and subject scrutiny,  SDP and action plans, School website, ECT mentor)

Family Liaison Officer- Gillian Reiling (Designated Safeguarding Lead, Child Protection and safeguarding lead, Induction of new staff & volunteers, Behaviour, Pastoral and wellbeing lead, Attendance Officer, Breakfast Club Lead,  Named contact for LAC provision)

Yellow Zone (Nursery to Reception)

Assistant Headteacher, Phase Leader and Teacher- Amy Hills (Yellow and Green zone pastoral and wellbeing lead, Parents & Community, EYFS Curriculum, PHSE/RSE, Data & Assessment, Appraisal, NT SCITT, Behaviour and well-being, Monitoring and subject scrutiny)

Nursery Teacher- Olivia Gedney (EYFS maths, Parents and Community, Dance)

Nursery TeacherTanya Weldon (ECT Year 1, EYFS Music, Art and DT, Mental Health First Aider, Choir)

Reception Teacher - Anne Smith (Speech and Language Lead, Oracy Champion, Assistant SENDCO, EAL)

Reception Teacher- Sophie Saddler (EYFS/ KS1 History and Geography, Whole school assembly lead, Subject champions)

HLTASarah Hindmarch (EYFS intervention, Healthy schools and food curriculum, Parents and Community)

Teaching Assistant-Alison Rooney

Teaching Assistant-Kaylie Maudling

Teaching Assistant-Katya Renner

Teaching Assistant- Julie Jennings

Teaching Assistant - Lisa Marchbanks

1:1 SupportDonna Quinn


Green Zone (Year 1 to year 2)

Year 1 Teacher- Karen Glass (PSHE/RSE)

Year 1 Teacher -Ben Smith (ECT Year 2, PE and extra-curricular clubs support, Cycling lead, School council)

Year 2 Teacher- Katy Curry (ECT Year 1)

Year 2 Teacher- Jordan Scott (Teaching and learning lead, Metacognition, KS1 Maths,Marvellous Me Student placements and volunteers, ECT mentor)

Teaching AssistantLisa Rutherford

Teaching Assistant- Jo Daly

Teaching AssistantRhianna Hogg

Teaching AssistantLisa Marchbanks


Red Zone (Year 3 to Year 4)

Phase Leader and Year 3 Teacher- Paul Danecki (Lower KS2 pastoral and wellbeing lead, History and Geography, Appraisal, Behaviour and well-being, ECT mentor)

Year 3 Teacher-  Jess Ross  (Playtime provision lead, MFL/International Links)

Year 3 groups Teacher- Mason Storey (PE and sport,  PE SCITT lead, Enterprise and economic well-being coordinator)

Year 4 Teacher- Ciara Hopkins (KS2 maths, Eco-schools and environmental sustainability, Skipping )

Year 4 Teacher- Dylan Benetts (ECT year 1, Computing curriculum support)

Year 4 groups TeacherJen Stapleton (Religious Education and collective worship)

Teaching Assistant- Sarah Ritchie


Blue Zone (Year 5 to Year 6)

Assistant Headteacher, Phase Leader and Year 5 Teacher- Marc Jarvis (Upper KS2 pastoral and wellbeing lead, Pupil Premium, Appraisal, Behaviour and well-being, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Extra-curricular clubs, Playtime provision, Commando Joe, Character education and Educational visits, ECT Mentor)

Year 5 TeacherHelen Allman-Armstrong (KS2 English, Reading, Computing curriculum lead)

Year 5 groups Teacher- Gemma Barber (Online safety and E-learning lead, Digital tchnology and standards)

Year 6 Teacher- Emma Reed (Science/STEM, Subject champions)

Year 6 PPA- Aidan Bell (Music & Performing Arts, Music team appraisal, Apprenticeships)

Year 6 Teacher- Lindsey Gallagher (ECF Lead, ECT mentor lead, inductions and appraisal, Teaching & Learning, Y6 transition and SATS, Mental health and wellbeing lead)

Year 6 groups- Diane Clemmetsen (Able, Gifted & Talented (A,G & T), Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC), British Values)

Teaching Assistant- Angela Charlton (First aid, Young carers, Swimming co-ordinator, Nurture groups)


CSB (Communuication Support Base)

SENDCo and CSB Lead- Anna de Courcy (CSB manager, Lead SENDCo, Inclusion and parent forum, Mental Health, Appraisal)

CSB Teacher- Kate Lindsay (Art & Design Technology, Family Festival/Summer fair, Healthy schools)

Teaching Staff- Lindsey Turnbull (Assistant SENDCO, Dyslexia lead)

Specialist Support Assistant- Jayne Batey 

Specialist Support Assistant- Claire Dawson

Specialist Support Assistant- Dawn Barker 


Specialist Music Teacher - Helen West


Specialist MFL Teacher - Saoussene Oliver

IT Team

Network Manager- Carol Greatbatch

IT support- Holly Spark and Red Zone teaching assistant

Office Staff

Admin Supervisor- Judith Fenwick

Finance Officer and Admin Assistant- Sarah Keys

Receptionist- Sonia Armstrong

Kalmer Counselling

Counsellors- Mrs Thompson

Mrs Burnhoff

Caretaker Staff

Site Manager- Bob Craig

Assistant caretaker- Craig Stevenson

Apprentice caretaker - Harvey Scott

Lunch Supervisors

Mrs Gillan

Mrs Millen

Miss N Dakers

Mrs Horner

Mrs Stephenson

Mrs Workman

Mrs Bryant

Miss M Maughan

Mrs Daglish

Cleaning Staff

Mrs Norton

Mrs Major

Mrs Horner

Mrs Millen

Miss M Maughan