Benton Dene Primary School

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0191 466 1818


Benton Dene Primary School

Working together to meet individual needs

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Educational Trips and Visitors

The personal development of all of our pupils is supported by a wide-ranging programme of activities and resources including; an extensive clubs offer, themed weeks, assemblies, trips including residential visits, visitors; literature choices across the curriculum and other extra-curricular opportunities to reflect and prepare for many diverse aspects of life. Themed weeks this year include; Diversity (including Role Models workshops), Aspirations, Anti-bullying, Enterprise and STEM Week and often include whole school projects.

Cultural capital opportunities are a key focus within our school to provide experiences beyond the curriculum and develop a deeper understanding of the world. Pupils’ confidence and resilience forms a key thread when considering the personal development of our pupils. The role of school in preparing pupils for life after Primary School, living and engaging with a diverse community and excelling in their future careers, is supported by our curricular and extra-curricular provision. 

Trips and Visitors

At Benton Dene Primary, our children’s learning is extended beyond the classroom, taking advantage of the extensive school grounds and locality. As a school, we believe in offering all of our children opportunities to explore and develop an appreciation of Cultural Capital and provide real life experiences through half-termly visits throughout the North East linked to our themes of study. We also have a whole school plan for trips and specialist visitors across the course of the year, this plan is regularly reviewed and updated as meaningful opportunities for our children become available. In addition to our curricular visits and visitors, we run a range of residential visits for KS2 including Robin Wood, Kingswood, London and France. A copy of the Educational Trips and Visitors list is attached below. In addition to these opportunities other visitors and experiences are planned in as part of our whole school assemblies overview.

Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities

Our curriculum offer is enriched through a range of clubs and extra-curricular activities that that pupils enjoy. These activities raise pupils’ self-esteem, enable them to experience success and develop their ability to work successfully as a team. Please see the Extra Curricular Activities section of the website found in 'Our School'.

Commando Joe

The 'Commando Joe' programme is used to support children to develop life skills, improve attendance, develop a growth mind-set and build resilience. A progressive series of half-termly challenges provides our pupils with skills in leadership, communication, perseverance, resilience and respect for others. These character traits are linked to our whole school achievement awards.