Benton Dene Primary School

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0191 466 1818


Benton Dene Primary School

Working together to meet individual needs


Metacognition at Benton Dene Primary School

What is Metacognition?

At Benton Dene Primary, we believe in cultivating resilient and independent learners who are well-prepared for the challenges of the world beyond the classroom. Metacognition, or thinking about one's thinking, is at the heart of this approach. It empowers our students to not only grasp information but to understand how they learn best, fostering a mind-set of adaptability and self-regulation.

Why is Metacognition Important?

Research consistently underscores the significance of metacognition in enhancing educational outcomes. Drawing on reputable sources such as the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), we understand that metacognitive strategies contribute to improved academic performance and equip students with invaluable skills for lifelong learning. Emphasising metacognition aligns with our commitment to providing an education that goes beyond the curriculum, nurturing holistic development.

What We Have Done So Far

Building on this understanding, our dedicated staff has undergone comprehensive training in metacognitive strategies. From the application of worked examples and think-aloud techniques to addressing cognitive overload and implementing retrieval practices, these strategies are consistently embedded across our school. This ensures a unified and effective approach to metacognition that impacts upon every aspect of our teaching and learning environment.

We then identified three key areas for further development: resilience, review of learning and work, and collaboration. Each educational zone within our school investigated these areas and had the opportunity to work with children to agree strategies, with regular feedback sessions to share successes and refine approaches. This dynamic approach ensured that metacognition remains at the forefront of our educational philosophy, continually evolving to meet the needs of our students and the demands of the future.

This year we are continuing to embed metacognitive strategies to support children's learning scross all areas of the curriculum and linking this to the development of Oracy; speaking and listening skills. 

Home Engagement: Fostering Resilience Together

At Benton Dene Primary, we recognise the vital role that parents play in shaping the educational journey of their children. As we instil metacognitive practices within our school, we invite parents to join us in fostering resilient and independent learners.

Supporting Resilience at Home

We believe that resilience is a skill that can be nurtured both in and outside the classroom. Parents can actively contribute by encouraging a positive and "I can" attitude at home. Engage in open conversations with your child about their challenges and triumphs, emphasising the value of perseverance and problem-solving.

 Simple Practices for Home

  • Encourage Reflection: Prompt your child to reflect on their learning experiences. What strategies worked well? What could be improved? Reflection builds self-awareness, a cornerstone of metacognition.
  • Celebrate Effort: Acknowledge your child's efforts rather than solely focusing on outcomes. This cultivates a growth mind-set, instilling the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed over time.
  • Model Resilience: Children often learn best through observation. Demonstrate resilience in your own endeavours, showcasing how setbacks are opportunities for growth.

 Together, let's empower our children to navigate challenges with confidence and develop the resilience needed for success in their educational journey and beyond.

Click the link below for further information