Curriculum Overviews
National Curriculum Requirements
All local authority-maintained schools in England must be teaching the programmes of study outlined in the National Curriculum and complete end of key stage assessments (SATS) in year 2 and year 6.
The curriculum contains the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects, at all key stages. These are statutory for the following subject; Mathematics, English, Science and Foundation subjects: Art & Design, Computing (formerly known as Information Communication Technology), Music, History, Geography and Physical Education. In addition to this we also deliver PSHCE and RE. British Values and SMSC are embedded throughout all curriculum areas and is a key focus across school.
At Benton Dene Primary School we deliver our curriculum using a knowledge-engaged approach towards teaching and learning.
Our Curriculum Coverage documents are attached below for each area of the curriculum and outline the expected progression through each year group towards the end of key stage objectives.
Our ‘Curriculum Maps’ show each year group’s half termly theme of learning. This will often include a class trip, a visitor to School or a celebration of learning event and can be found using the tabs at the left hand side of this page.
Class teachers will be able to provide more information about curriculum content, should this be required.