Benton Dene Primary School

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Hailsham Ave, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE12 8FD

0191 466 1818


Benton Dene Primary School

Working together to meet individual needs

Physical Education at Benton Dene Primary School

At Benton Dene Primary, we provide a physical education programme of games, gymnastics, swimming, dance and athletics based lessons which are in line with the National Curriculum. This enables each child to develop their movement, skill, balance and co-ordination as well as self confidence in the subject area. The programme provides a progressive plan throughout each year and in subsequent years of a child’s primary education. Each child is given the opportunity to develop their competitive skills by engaging in both inter and intra school competitions. Last year Benton Dene Primary reached the regional finals in football, netball, hockey, skipping, athletics and reached the North of England finals in Tennis.

We currently offer at KS1 and KS2 an extensive extra-curricular sports programme that provides the opportunity for children to further develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in a range of sporting areas. As a school we also look to provide children with the chance to join local clubs and organisations, and have developed sporting links with Percy Park Ruby Club, Wallsend Boys Club, Novocastrians Rugby Club, City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy, The Falcons Rugby Club and Heaton Harriers Athletics Club. We additionally provide a healthy lifestyle programme which creates a greater awareness of issues such as the need for exercise, health living, tackling obesity and healthy eating.

Our future focus is to further develop the teaching of PE and to continue to deliver a broad and balanced programme, as well as extending the out of hours learning opportunities which will be linked to the wider curriculum in order to enhance learning for all participants. In 2021-22, the Government's Primary PE and Sport Funding will be used to:

  • Employ a specialist member of staff who will provide specific support for leadership in PE, for curriculum, subject monitoring & development. £17,850
  • Provide professional development opportunities in PE/ sport for teachers across the school through North Tyneside PE and Sport SLA £500
  • Access competition opportunities through North Tyneside PE and Sport SLA • subsidise travel costs to and from competitions £500
  • Increase the number and range of lunchtime and after school sports clubs
  • Buy quality assured professional development modules and materials for PE/ sport particularly use of ICT, assessment for learning and assessment practices
  • Provide Gifted and Talented, curriculum and extra-curricular PE activities.
  • Provide coach travel for competitions. £1,000
  • Provide quality equipment to ensure children have the tools available to improve their sporting knowledge and skills. £500