Benton Dene Primary School

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Hailsham Ave, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE12 8FD

0191 466 1818


Benton Dene Primary School

Working together to meet individual needs


Attendance at Benton Dene Primary School

Aim for 100%

We expect the children to attend school regularly – every day if possible. Where we have attendance concerns, parents will be contacted and support offered.

Where persistent concerns remain, an Attendance Action Plan will be drawn up and agreed. We may also seek support from our Attendance & Placement Team.

Research suggests that children who are absent from school may struggle to catch up on the learning they have missed, which may ultimately affect progress and achievement. Please make sure your child is not absent for anything other than an exceptional and unavoidable reason.


Expected attendance is 95%+

Punctuality at Benton Dene Primary School

Doors open at 8.55am. Early years gates close at 9am, KS1 gate at 9:10am & KS2 gates at 9:15am to allow lessons to commence promptly. The school day ends for early years at 3:10pm, KS1 at 3:20pm & KS2 by 3:30pm.


Our attendance system monitors from Nursery – Y6 and highlight any concerns:

Green – excellent punctuality
Amber – some instances of being late
Red – regularly late, action to improve



Every minute counts


(Figures calculated over a school year)

 = Lost Learning

 5 minutes late each day

 = 3 days lost

 10 minutes late each day

 = 6.5 days lost

 15 minutes late each day

 = 10 days lost

 20 minutes late each day

 = 13 days lost

 30 minutes late each day

 = 19 days lost

Lateness = Lost Learning

Did you know…

  • A settled start…calm and ready to learn
  • Improved life chances
  • Building lasting relationships
  • Reaching their fullest potential
  • Instilling great life skills


Every school day counts

Absence = Lost Learning


 365 days in a Year

 190 School Days in Total


 100% attendance

 190 days


 95% attendance

 180 days

 2 weeks

 90% attendance

 171 days

 4 weeks

 85% attendance

 161 days

 6 weeks

 80% attendance

 152 days

 8+ weeks

 75% attendance

 143 days

 9+ days

Two weeks holiday during term time is over 50 lessons missed.

Missing school is missing out

Your child’s education is very important. Regular school attendance helps pupils fulfil their potential and gives them a better chance for the future.

Every day absence from school is an opportunity missed.

Who can help if you are having difficulties getting your child to school on time every day?

Mrs Gillian Reiling – Attendance Lead or a member of SLT.

Please call the school office on; 0191 4661818 if you require support.

Leave of absence during term time

Leave of Absence can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances, which does NOT include family holidays (although some flexibility will be considered for the particular circumstances of HM Forces families). Difficulties associated with parents’ or carers’ employment cannot be taken into account.

We will consider issues related to terminal illness/bereavement, and very occasional, irregular, short absences (one, or very exceptionally two days) to help accommodate special family occasions. In any event, Regulations do not allow absences to be approved after the event.

Regulations place this entirely at the discretion of the Headteacher. If the Headteacher limits, or does not authorise Leave of Absence, but the child is still taken out of school or kept away for longer than was first agreed, the absence is unauthorised.

Schools are held accountable for the levels of attendance achieved by their pupils: we have no choice but to follow the rules.

Overall School Attendance 

2015 - 2016 - 96.25%

2016 - 2017 - 96.31%

2017 - 2018 - 96.80%

2018 - 2019 - 97.20%

2019 - 2020 - 96.30% (up until March 2020 due to Covid-19)

2020 - 2021 - 97.2%

2021 - 2022 - 94.4%

2022 - 2023 - 96%*

*National Average 93.8%